

時(shí)間:2024-12-17 09:40:45 大學(xué)英語 我要投稿
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  1.A) Spending their holidays in a novel way.


  2. D) He once owned a van.

  3. A) Generate their own electricity.

  4.C) Enjoying the freedom to choose where to go and work.

  5. C) Her job performance has worsened over the past month.

  6.B) Some problems at home

  7. B) The womans work proficiency.

  8. C) The woman will be off work on the next two Mondays.

  9. D) It can enable us to live a healthier and longer life.

  10.B) The spouses level of education can impact oneshealth.

  11.A) They had more education than their spouses.

  12.C) Forecasting flood risks accurately.

  13.D) To improve his mathematical flooding model.

  14.A) To forecast rapid floods in real time.

  15.B) They set up Internet-connected water-level sensors.

  16.B) To argue about the value of a college degree.

  17.D) The factor of wages.

  18.A) The sharp decline in marriage among men with no college degrees.

  19.C) More and more people prioritize animal welfare when buying things to wear.

  20.D)Avoided the use of leather and fur.

  21.A)Whether they can be regarded as ethical.

  22.D) The era we live in is the most peaceful in history.

  23.C) They believed the world was deteriorating.

  24.B) Our psychological biases.

  25.A) Paying attention to negative information.


  Conversation One

  M: Hi Lily, hows the new apartment?

  W: Its okay.

  M:What? How can it be just okaywhen last week you were thrilledabout the place and keptnosting photos of it online?

  W:Well,【1】 last week whenfmoved in, the apartment seemed cozy, justthe right size forone person. But nowit just seems tiny, shabby and solitary.

  M: Al thats the problem. You missyour roommates from university,dont you?

  W: Im going to sound like G idiot【2】because Iused to complain to youall the time about how crowded ourdormitory room was, and about allthe things they did to irritate me, likewatching movies late at night withoutheadphones, or talking loudly early inthe morning. But now Imiss themterribly.

  M: Of course you do. Thats perfectlynormal. When I got my first place,Iremember thinking I could ti wait tolive by myself and get away from myjuvenile roommates and all their annoyipghabits.【3】 But then began issing them and feelinglonely and thinking that our dormitory was like paradise. Even though there were six of us guys inone small room.

  W: I thought it was just m who reltlike thiat.

  M: Look, you lived at home with us.And then you had three roommates.And this is your first time living alone.So i hard But your first apartmentis a milestone in your life. And youshould celebrate it. Tell me about theapartment.

  W: Actuaily, its not bad. In fact, itspretty adorable. Now that I have decorated it and it has et rjthing Ineed. I have a kitchen to cook in thebathroom al! to myself.And then anothes room with my bed at one endand the sofa, a small table and chairsat the C herend.

  M: That does sound adorable, and【4】Icant wait to see it. And neither canmom and dad.

  Question 1: What was the womansfirst impression of the apartment?

  Question 2: Why does the womansay shes going to sound like an idiot?

  Question 3: What do we learn about the man when he left thedormitory to live on his own?

  Question 4: What is the man say hecant wait to do.

  W: Welcome to our program book talk. Q5.ourgyest today is FrankJonesiditicbf our education system and the author of new book,How to reform our universitres.

  M: Hello, Susan.

  W: Frank, you support radicallychanging universities in America. Yes.

  Q6.I believe that the purpose of highereduad grefo prepare young peopleto enter the workforce and that ourcurrent system fails to do this, Wereallocating too many resou disciplines that dont match the needsof employers.

  W: I think your attitude to education isa bit cynical Frank. Surely the purpose of university is to prepareyoung people to participate fully incivic life rather than just to find wellpaid jobs.

  M: Susan, many young graduates struggle to find any job let alone agood one. The job markc isgrim.Particulaniior students who studythe arts. I agree that it isnt easy foryoungr gegple to find work, but youpropose closing down alt departments that arent directly

  related to science and technology. Isthat rea lly the solution?

  M: Youre overstating my paint. Q7.My argument is that we need it use moer of our budget on areas like science and engineering. To do that, we needto take money from subjects likeliterature and music

  W: Q8,But the arts have value. Theyrean important part of our culture.studying literature or music or sculpture might not result in a job inthatae But it helps young people tothink about the world in a.deeperway, which makes them b citizens and makes fora better society.

  M:l agree that the arts are valuable tosociety, but its naive to think that notonly tk miost talented, but allstudents should study them at university level. The odds are verycompetitive, and most graduates willend up with a great deal of debt,obtaining a degree that has littlevalue on the job market.

  Question 5. What do we learn from theconversation about the man?

  Question 6. What does the manbelieve is the problem with the current American System of Higher Education?

  Question 7. How should the educationbudget be allocated according to theman?

  Question 8. What does the woman saythe arts can do?

  Passage One

  Do you ever have the annoying feetingthat you dont have time to really thinkanymore? Youre not alone.【Q9】A variet dtdrs have conspired to robus of time for reflectionourselves and our lives.

  preoccupied minds are rarely Silent.The average person receives hundredsof texts and voice messages a day. Andholidays for many of us are action-packed weeks more likely full of familyactivities than opportunities fortranquility and contemplation.【Q10】Regular reflection,howe,underlies all great professionals. Its a prerequisite for you to recharge yourmental batteries. See things in a newlight and tap into your creativity.

  Almost all of the great advisors that Ihave studied have found ways to getaway from it all and contemplate theirlife and work. Some researchers in thefield of creativity, in fact, believe thatinsight occurs during the reflection and relaxation that follows aCeriod of intense actvity.

  Schedule your time for reflection aboutyourwork ora particular proiect youre engaged in. I usually biock outhalf an hour. Dont answer the phone.Push your papers to the side. Sketch,make lists, draw mind maps of ideasthat come to you. At the end, write down any emerging ideas.

  When youre alone, stop worrying andthink. A lot of our downtime is spentworrying about troublesc ne thihgs inour lives or fantasizing aboat how wedlike our lives to be.【Q11】 Revisitthings during moments of relaxationafter a periodnof intense work. This iswhenwe are the most creative.

  Question 9 What do we learn about thefeeling that one doesnt heeitime tothink anymore?

  Questica 10 What trait do all greatprofessionals share?

  Question 11 What is some researchersbelieve is conducive to creative ideas?

  Passage Two

  had post offices The first opened in 1859 in asettlement founded by migrants searching for gold,Life could be unpredictable outwest. Gold failed to appear. Drought ruinedfarmers, and settlers clashed with_NativeAmericans.

  On the settlements location now stands asprawling University campus. Amid all thechanges, one feature remained constant: thepostal service. The maps tracing Americaswestward expansion are telling in 1864 therewere few postat branches on land controlledby Native Americans, which still accountedfor most of the West. Over the next 25 years,post offices grew quickly. Colonizationof theWest could be regarded as a result of biggovernment rather than pioneers.【13】Asfederal subsidies and land grants temptedpeople into the deserts and plains, the postkept them connected.

  In the mid-19th century, the Post OfficeDepartment was far from a centralizedbureaucracy. To keep up with migrationpatterns, postal services were added toexisting businesses.

  【14】The federal government commissioned private wagons themail. Short term contracts were granted tolocal businessman to act as postmasters.These partnerships enabled the mail to quickly followmigrants helping knit togetherremote parts of the country.

  Mr. Bellavance, a digital historian, wrote abook on the history of the US postal service.

  【15】 He used the data science to analyzehistorical trends, Most strikingly he built anaccompanying website, complekw;Tinteractive maps.They show readers-howwithin a generation the postal service helpedcolonize a continent. These online interactivemaps illustrate the formative power of snailmail.

  Q12 What does the passage say AboutColorado before it became a state?

  Q13 How did the postal service contribute toAmericas westward expansion?

  Q14 What did the federal government:do tomeet the increasing demand for the postalservice in the West?

  Q15 What did Mr. Bellavance do to study thehistory of the US postal service?


  In last weeks lecture, we discussed reasons whypeople forget things. This week we will discuss asurprising reason why we might remember somethings, anxiety. Think about something as simple asbuying a coffee. That may not seem like an experience that would make a deep impression onyour memory. But anxiety could change that. Q16.In fact, a new study suggests that people withhigher anxiety levels might remembertertain information better than people with lower anxietylevels.

  Thats because higher levels of anxiety may makepeople moresusceptible to negative feelings,putting them in a more negative state of mind. Thatin turn, may make them able to better remembersome events. Lets take a closer look at that newstudy now. Q17. In this study, tseardhersstarted by giving 80 undergraduate students ananxiety test. The test measure the participantsanxiety levels over the proceeding two weeks.

  Then, to test memory, the participants were showna series of neutral words one at a time. Some of thewords were printed onto photos of negative scenes,meaning images that could affect their emotionsnegatively, such as a photo of a car accident, or acemetery. The rest of the words were printed ontophotos of neutral scenes, such as a photo of a lakeor trees. Neutral words included words like table ordesk that dont elicit emotion.

  Later, the participants were asked to think back tothe words they were shown earlier, which causedthem to reenter either a negative or neutral mindset. The participants were then presented withanother set of neutral words, and their memory ofthese new words was tested.

  The researchers found that the new words presented to people in a negative mindset werebetter remembered by people with higher levels ofanxiety than those with lower levels of anxiety.

  In other words, when highly anxious individualstook in otherwise emotionally neutral informationthat was presented to them, it became colored bytheir negative mindset, making them remember theinformation better. But these same effects were notseen in people with low levels of anxiety.

  Q18. Previous studies havefound that extremeevels of anxiety such as those experienced bypeople diagnosed with an anxiety disorder can bequite detrimentalto memory and cognitive performan But the highly anxious people in thisstudy represent individuals who are managing theiranxiety and for whom anxiety is not. a seriousproblem.

  Question 16. What does the speaker say the newstudy suggests?

  Question 17. What did researchers do first in thenew study?

  Question 18. What do we learn from previousstudies aboutlanxiety?

  Over the past 20 years, the u ternet hasgradually become a dominant featureof our lives. It has changed how wecommunicate with each other. And ithas definitely transformed the way wedo business with each other:Marketinghas also changed in a number of ways.

  For instance, in the past, consumershad to call a phone number and patiently wait on hold in order to getthe information they wanted.

  [Q19]Today, they want the informationimmediately. Theyll go to the companys sociaLmediapdc nifostcomments and questions expecting toreceive an immediate response. If theydont get their questions answeredsoon theyll move on to anothercompany that will answer themquickly.

  Marketing departments today need tofollow technological development. Forexample, this year smartphone issmarter than last years. s fariving cars are now on the road. Marketershave to do research on which techncingies:are coming into bsing,otherwise, they risk being leit behindin the virtual dust.

  Marketing has also changed due to theimportance of video. People dont justwant to read text. They walt to watchthings happening. Companies now have to explore how they can use videoon a consistent basis to share information about their sinesses.Fortunately, its extremely easy to

  shoot something these days. All youneed is a smartphone.

  But whats the result of all this? Shorteraitention spans? We arent the samepeople that we were 20 yedi ago. Notonly have we grown accustomed togetting the information we want instantaneously, our attention spansare much shorter. If something doesntcaptulc ourattention within a few

  seconds. Were on to the next piece ofcontent.[Q20]Marketers need to figureout ways to speak directly to the customers emotions and they need tofigure out how to do that as quickly aspossible. Once people are emotionallyengaged, theyll stick with you.

  If marketingi has changed this much inthe past 20 years, imagine what thenext 20 years will bring li ai recentsurvey, only 9% of marketers could saywith confidence that their marketingefforts were actually working. Theirconfidence is being shaken becausethe rules of the game change everyyear. Thats why [Q21]itsimportant for marketers to pay attention to the latest technological devel and consider collaborating with technological innovators. That way,theyll be moving at the same pace asthe tech industry.

  Question 19 What does the speaker sayabout todays consumers?

  Question 20 How do marketers captureconsumersattention as quickly aspossible?

  Question 21 What does the speakersuggest marketers do to meet futurechalletes?


  You might be surprised to learn that [Q22] thebenefits offriendships extend beyond peoples

  sociallifeand into their work, which is interestingwhen cd lili the extent to which people

  sacrifice friendships, or at least the time they spendwith friends because of the exte edihairstheyredevoting to work. Just last week, rwas remarking toa colleague that Im content with only one socialengagement per week. But according to recentresearch, thats evidently not enough.

  In an initial study of more than 700 respondents,scholars from an American university [Q23] analyzethe imrf thst:fiends as opposed to family haveon sel dem Jahd well-being. Friends came outsubstantially on top. Thats because to be someones mate is a voluntary act. Unlike familywho people rarely get to choose. The researchersfound that when people choose to cultivate andmaintain supportive friendships with an individual,it means that the person is valued and worthy oftheir limited time. Such sentiments of value andworthiness boost our self-esteem.

  The second study comprised more than 300 participants. It proved that the better we feel aboutourselves, the more likely we will perform our jobconfidently and competently. This follow-up studyfound that [Q24] non-work friends even improvedpeoples job satisfaction. They have as much of animpact on how much they love their jobs, as do thefriends they have at work, despite not actuallybeing at our place of work. These types of friendstend to be our preferred outlet fo nni aboutwork-related mattersyThis is an avenue that maynot be available at the office.

  So even though friendships can be easy to neglectwhen confronted-by pressures at work, or evenpressures at home, neglecting our friends can turnout to be harmful and counterproductive. Thatswhy when determining how to create a better work-life balance, we need to consider not only how tobalance work and family demands, but also how tocultivate and sustain supportive friendships. Its for employees for flexible work arrangements. Its

  irrelevant whether their need for a desired scheduleis due to say, parenting responsibilities, or a craving to hang out with their best mate. Whatmatters is the opportunity to engage in a nourishingactiyity outside of work. That will definitely have afollow-on effect at work.

  Q 22 What does the speaker say is interesting?

  Q 23 What did researchers from an Americanuniversity analyze in their initial study?

  Q 24 What did the second study find aboutmon-work friends?

  Q 25 What does the speaker suggest managers do?


  Conversation One

  M: Hi Lily, hows the new apartment?

  W: Its okay.

  M:What? How can it be just okaywhen last week you were thrilledabout the place and keptnosting photos of it online?

  W:Well,【1】 last week whenfmoved in, the apartment seemed cozy, justthe right size forone person. But nowit just seems tiny, shabby and solitary.

  M: Al thats the problem. You missyour roommates from university,dont you?

  W: Im going to sound like G idiot【2】because Iused to complain to youall the time about how crowded ourdormitory room was, and about allthe things they did to irritate me, likewatching movies late at night withoutheadphones, or talking loudly early inthe morning. But now Imiss themterribly.

  M: Of course you do. Thats perfectlynormal. When I got my first place,Iremember thinking I could ti wait tolive by myself and get away from myjuvenile roommates and all their annoyipghabits.【3】 But then began issing them and feelinglonely and thinking that our dormitory was like paradise. Even though there were six of us guys inone small room.

  W: I thought it was just m who reltlike thiat.

  M: Look, you lived at home with us.And then you had three roommates.And this is your first time living alone.So i hard But your first apartmentis a milestone in your life. And youshould celebrate it. Tell me about theapartment.

  W: Actuaily, its not bad. In fact, itspretty adorable. Now that I have decorated it and it has et rjthing Ineed. I have a kitchen to cook in thebathroom al! to myself.And then anothes room with my bed at one endand the sofa, a small table and chairsat the C herend.

  M: That does sound adorable, and【4】Icant wait to see it. And neither canmom and dad.

  Question 1: What was the womansfirst impression of the apartment?

  Question 2: Why does the womansay shes going to sound like an idiot?

  Question 3: What do we learn about the man when he left thedormitory to live on his own?

  Question 4: What is the man say hecant wait to do.

  W: Welcome to our program book talk. Q5.ourgyest today is FrankJonesiditicbf our education system and the author of new book,How to reform our universitres.

  M: Hello, Susan.

  W: Frank, you support radicallychanging universities in America. Yes.

  Q6.I believe that the purpose of highereduad grefo prepare young peopleto enter the workforce and that ourcurrent system fails to do this, Wereallocating too many resou disciplines that dont match the needsof employers.

  W: I think your attitude to education isa bit cynical Frank. Surely the purpose of university is to prepareyoung people to participate fully incivic life rather than just to find wellpaid jobs.

  M: Susan, many young graduates struggle to find any job let alone agood one. The job markc isgrim.Particulaniior students who studythe arts. I agree that it isnt easy foryoungr gegple to find work, but youpropose closing down alt departments that arent directly

  related to science and technology. Isthat rea lly the solution?

  M: Youre overstating my paint. Q7.My argument is that we need it use moer of our budget on areas like science and engineering. To do that, we needto take money from subjects likeliterature and music

  W: Q8,But the arts have value. Theyrean important part of our culture.studying literature or music or sculpture might not result in a job inthatae But it helps young people tothink about the world in a.deeperway, which makes them b citizens and makes fora better society.

  M:l agree that the arts are valuable tosociety, but its naive to think that notonly tk miost talented, but allstudents should study them at university level. The odds are verycompetitive, and most graduates willend up with a great deal of debt,obtaining a degree that has littlevalue on the job market.

  Question 5. What do we learn from theconversation about the man?

  Question 6. What does the manbelieve is the problem with the current American System of Higher Education?

  Question 7. How should the educationbudget be allocated according to theman?

  Question 8. What does the woman saythe arts can do?

  Passage One

  Do you ever have the annoying feetingthat you dont have time to really thinkanymore? Youre not alone.【Q9】A variet dtdrs have conspired to robus of time for reflectionourselves and our lives.

  preoccupied minds are rarely Silent.The average person receives hundredsof texts and voice messages a day. Andholidays for many of us are action-packed weeks more likely full of familyactivities than opportunities fortranquility and contemplation.【Q10】Regular reflection,howe,underlies all great professionals. Its a prerequisite for you to recharge yourmental batteries. See things in a newlight and tap into your creativity.

  Almost all of the great advisors that Ihave studied have found ways to getaway from it all and contemplate theirlife and work. Some researchers in thefield of creativity, in fact, believe thatinsight occurs during the reflection and relaxation that follows aCeriod of intense actvity.

  Schedule your time for reflection aboutyourwork ora particular proiect youre engaged in. I usually biock outhalf an hour. Dont answer the phone.Push your papers to the side. Sketch,make lists, draw mind maps of ideasthat come to you. At the end, write down any emerging ideas.

  When youre alone, stop worrying andthink. A lot of our downtime is spentworrying about troublesc ne thihgs inour lives or fantasizing aboat how wedlike our lives to be.【Q11】 Revisitthings during moments of relaxationafter a periodnof intense work. This iswhenwe are the most creative.

  Question 9 What do we learn about thefeeling that one doesnt heeitime tothink anymore?

  Questica 10 What trait do all greatprofessionals share?

  Question 11 What is some researchersbelieve is conducive to creative ideas?

  Passage Two

  had post offices The first opened in 1859 in asettlement founded by migrants searching for gold,Life could be unpredictable outwest. Gold failed to appear. Drought ruinedfarmers, and settlers clashed with_NativeAmericans.

  On the settlements location now stands asprawling University campus. Amid all thechanges, one feature remained constant: thepostal service. The maps tracing Americaswestward expansion are telling in 1864 therewere few postat branches on land controlledby Native Americans, which still accountedfor most of the West. Over the next 25 years,post offices grew quickly. Colonizationof theWest could be regarded as a result of biggovernment rather than pioneers.【13】Asfederal subsidies and land grants temptedpeople into the deserts and plains, the postkept them connected.

  In the mid-19th century, the Post OfficeDepartment was far from a centralizedbureaucracy. To keep up with migrationpatterns, postal services were added toexisting businesses.

  【14】The federal government commissioned private wagons themail. Short term contracts were granted tolocal businessman to act as postmasters.These partnerships enabled the mail to quickly followmigrants helping knit togetherremote parts of the country.

  Mr. Bellavance, a digital historian, wrote abook on the history of the US postal service.

  【15】 He used the data science to analyzehistorical trends, Most strikingly he built anaccompanying website, complekw;Tinteractive maps.They show readers-howwithin a generation the postal service helpedcolonize a continent. These online interactivemaps illustrate the formative power of snailmail.

  Q12 What does the passage say AboutColorado before it became a state?

  Q13 How did the postal service contribute toAmericas westward expansion?

  Q14 What did the federal government:do tomeet the increasing demand for the postalservice in the West?

  Q15 What did Mr. Bellavance do to study thehistory of the US postal service?


  In last weeks lecture, we discussed reasons whypeople forget things. This week we will discuss asurprising reason why we might remember somethings, anxiety. Think about something as simple asbuying a coffee. That may not seem like an experience that would make a deep impression onyour memory. But anxiety could change that. Q16.In fact, a new study suggests that people withhigher anxiety levels might remembertertain information better than people with lower anxietylevels.

  Thats because higher levels of anxiety may makepeople moresusceptible to negative feelings,putting them in a more negative state of mind. Thatin turn, may make them able to better remembersome events. Lets take a closer look at that newstudy now. Q17. In this study, tseardhersstarted by giving 80 undergraduate students ananxiety test. The test measure the participantsanxiety levels over the proceeding two weeks.

  Then, to test memory, the participants were showna series of neutral words one at a time. Some of thewords were printed onto photos of negative scenes,meaning images that could affect their emotionsnegatively, such as a photo of a car accident, or acemetery. The rest of the words were printed ontophotos of neutral scenes, such as a photo of a lakeor trees. Neutral words included words like table ordesk that dont elicit emotion.

  Later, the participants were asked to think back tothe words they were shown earlier, which causedthem to reenter either a negative or neutral mindset. The participants were then presented withanother set of neutral words, and their memory ofthese new words was tested.

  The researchers found that the new words presented to people in a negative mindset werebetter remembered by people with higher levels ofanxiety than those with lower levels of anxiety.

  In other words, when highly anxious individualstook in otherwise emotionally neutral informationthat was presented to them, it became colored bytheir negative mindset, making them remember theinformation better. But these same effects were notseen in people with low levels of anxiety.

  Q18. Previous studies havefound that extremeevels of anxiety such as those experienced bypeople diagnosed with an anxiety disorder can bequite detrimentalto memory and cognitive performan But the highly anxious people in thisstudy represent individuals who are managing theiranxiety and for whom anxiety is not. a seriousproblem.

  Question 16. What does the speaker say the newstudy suggests?

  Question 17. What did researchers do first in thenew study?

  Question 18. What do we learn from previousstudies aboutlanxiety?

  Over the past 20 years, the u ternet hasgradually become a dominant featureof our lives. It has changed how wecommunicate with each other. And ithas definitely transformed the way wedo business with each other:Marketinghas also changed in a number of ways.

  For instance, in the past, consumershad to call a phone number and patiently wait on hold in order to getthe information they wanted.

  [Q19]Today, they want the informationimmediately. Theyll go to the companys sociaLmediapdc nifostcomments and questions expecting toreceive an immediate response. If theydont get their questions answeredsoon theyll move on to anothercompany that will answer themquickly.

  Marketing departments today need tofollow technological development. Forexample, this year smartphone issmarter than last years. s fariving cars are now on the road. Marketershave to do research on which techncingies:are coming into bsing,otherwise, they risk being leit behindin the virtual dust.

  Marketing has also changed due to theimportance of video. People dont justwant to read text. They walt to watchthings happening. Companies now have to explore how they can use videoon a consistent basis to share information about their sinesses.Fortunately, its extremely easy to

  shoot something these days. All youneed is a smartphone.

  But whats the result of all this? Shorteraitention spans? We arent the samepeople that we were 20 yedi ago. Notonly have we grown accustomed togetting the information we want instantaneously, our attention spansare much shorter. If something doesntcaptulc ourattention within a few

  seconds. Were on to the next piece ofcontent.[Q20]Marketers need to figureout ways to speak directly to the customers emotions and they need tofigure out how to do that as quickly aspossible. Once people are emotionallyengaged, theyll stick with you.

  If marketingi has changed this much inthe past 20 years, imagine what thenext 20 years will bring li ai recentsurvey, only 9% of marketers could saywith confidence that their marketingefforts were actually working. Theirconfidence is being shaken becausethe rules of the game change everyyear. Thats why [Q21]itsimportant for marketers to pay attention to the latest technological devel and consider collaborating with technological innovators. That way,theyll be moving at the same pace asthe tech industry.

  Question 19 What does the speaker sayabout todays consumers?

  Question 20 How do marketers captureconsumersattention as quickly aspossible?

  Question 21 What does the speakersuggest marketers do to meet futurechalletes?


  You might be surprised to learn that [Q22] thebenefits offriendships extend beyond peoples

  sociallifeand into their work, which is interestingwhen cd lili the extent to which people

  sacrifice friendships, or at least the time they spendwith friends because of the exte edihairstheyredevoting to work. Just last week, rwas remarking toa colleague that Im content with only one socialengagement per week. But according to recentresearch, thats evidently not enough.

  In an initial study of more than 700 respondents,scholars from an American university [Q23] analyzethe imrf thst:fiends as opposed to family haveon sel dem Jahd well-being. Friends came outsubstantially on top. Thats because to be someones mate is a voluntary act. Unlike familywho people rarely get to choose. The researchersfound that when people choose to cultivate andmaintain supportive friendships with an individual,it means that the person is valued and worthy oftheir limited time. Such sentiments of value andworthiness boost our self-esteem.

  The second study comprised more than 300 participants. It proved that the better we feel aboutourselves, the more likely we will perform our jobconfidently and competently. This follow-up studyfound that [Q24] non-work friends even improvedpeoples job satisfaction. They have as much of animpact on how much they love their jobs, as do thefriends they have at work, despite not actuallybeing at our place of work. These types of friendstend to be our preferred outlet fo nni aboutwork-related mattersyThis is an avenue that maynot be available at the office.

  So even though friendships can be easy to neglectwhen confronted-by pressures at work, or evenpressures at home, neglecting our friends can turnout to be harmful and counterproductive. Thatswhy when determining how to create a better work-life balance, we need to consider not only how tobalance work and family demands, but also how tocultivate and sustain supportive friendships. Its for employees for flexible work arrangements. Its

  irrelevant whether their need for a desired scheduleis due to say, parenting responsibilities, or a craving to hang out with their best mate. Whatmatters is the opportunity to engage in a nourishingactiyity outside of work. That will definitely have afollow-on effect at work.

  Q 22 What does the speaker say is interesting?

  Q 23 What did researchers from an Americanuniversity analyze in their initial study?

  Q 24 What did the second study find aboutmon-work friends?

  Q 25 What does the speaker suggest managers do?



  With the development of economy and society,there has been a significant change in the populationstructure in china,gradualty transitioning into an aging society.It is expected that Chinas elderlypopulation will continue to increase,and the trendof population aging will become more obvious.Tocope with various challenges brought about bypopulation aging,the country is actively takingmeasures to strengthen support for elderly care.Through the reform of the social security system,thegovernment has continuously increased social security funds and gradually expanded the coverageof social security in order to benefit more elderlypeople.Furthermore,the government encoureges various social organizations to provide services forthe elderly.Through the collaborative efforts of thegovernment and social organizations,the elderly willlive a happier life.


  The importance of acquiring the basic knowledge

  As we all know,mastering good basic knowledge is an important step that every student must go through in the learning process,and it is crucial for students to master any subject.Therefore,we should fully realize the importance of mastering basic knowledge.Heres why.

  First of all,without a solid foundation,it is impossible to understand more profound theories of knowledge,and it is impossible to advance to a higher level.Take English learning as an example,if we do not have a solid grasp of English grammar and vocabulary,we will not be able to effectively understand literary works and understand higher-level English concepts.Second,just as a building needs a solid foundation to support its structure,our academic success requires a solid grasp of the basics.From personal experience,I clearly remember a deep understanding of foundatiohaf concepts paving the way for my success in challenging courses.Finally,no foundation,no progress.For the system of knowledge is interlinked,without a solid foundation,the knowledge systemwill be full of holes.

  Therefore,I think it is very important for students to get a good basic knowledge.


  1.A) Spending their holidays in a novel way.

  2. D) He once owned a van.

  3. A) Generate their own electricity.

  4.C) Enjoying the freedom to choose where to go and work.

  5. C) Her job performance has worsened over the past month.

  6.B) Some problems at home

  7. B) The womans work proficiency.

  8. C) The woman will be off work on the next two Mondays.

  9. D) It can enable us to live a healthier and longer life.

  10.B) The spouses level of education can impact oneshealth.

  11.A) They had more education than their spouses.

  12.C) Forecasting flood risks accurately.

  13.D) To improve his mathematical flooding model.

  14.A) To forecast rapid floods in real time.

  15.B) They set up Internet-connected water-level sensors.

  16.B) To argue about the value of a college degree.

  17.D) The factor of wages.

  18.A) The sharp decline in marriage among men with no college degrees.

  19.C) More and more people prioritize animal welfare when buying things to wear.

  20.D)Avoided the use of leather and fur.

  21.A)Whether they can be regarded as ethical.

  22.D) The era we live in is the most peaceful in history.

  23.C) They believed the world was deteriorating.

  24.B) Our psychological biases.

  25.A) Paying attention to negative information.



  As China is facing an ageing society,there is awidespread concern over the issue of elderly care.What kind of care model for the elderly should beadopted is the most debated topic.The majorityof?people believe that the care model for the elderlyshould be diversified.More and better elderly serviceinstitutions can be established,community servicecentres can be improved,and self-care for theelderly at home can be encouraged through government guidance and social participation.It isalso possible to promote a model of the elderly thatcombines family and social care.The continuousincrease in government and social investment inservices for the elderly witlbring further improvements in care facilities,gradual enhancements in the quality of services and a moreconvenient and comfortable life with health andhappiness for the elderly.


  With their valuable skills and experiences,elderly people can continue to make significant contributions to society.This view is accepted by more and more citizens as they wit-ness firsthand the capabilities of these experienced individ-uals.

  First of all,the older generation,especially highly skilled workers,is still irreplaceable for jobs that require extensive skills and expertise.Without them,it is highly possible that work quality and efficiency will be seriously affected.In ad-dition,these senior citizens play a significant role in trainingor cultivating the young generation by passing down their valuable skills and experiences.Young people,benefiting from this mentorship,can directly contribute to their organi-zations and country.Finally,the elderly can even be part of think tanks,offering precious advice or suggestions to the management teams of firms or to the government,thus pro-moting development.

  Therefore,recognizing the significance of elderly people and encouraging their active participation in society is cru-cial,rather than merely viewing them as individuals who should retire from active life.












