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  寫天氣的英語作文 1

  Weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly. For example, good weather makes people happy. Bad weather makes people sick and depressed. Be sides, on a fine day, one can go out for a walk or play a game in the open. On a rainy day, however, he can only stay indoors, in a word, weather is part of life for all of us.

  The first thing that many people do after getting up is to see what the weather is like. With a knowledge of the weather people can arrange work and life of the day. If it is fine, he may decide to go on a picnic. If it is cloudy, he will have to take a raincoat or an umbrella with him when he is leaving the house. Whatever the weather may be, one tends to adjust his activities to it accordingly.

  In order to know what the weather will he, special people are hired 1o provide this information. They collect data, analyze them and predict the weather of the coming day. This information, which is announced on the radio or on TV, is usually very accurate. Thanks to the efforts of those professionals, we can always know the weather in advance and get prepared for it.

  寫天氣的英語作文 2

  Today is a sunny day. The sky is clear and blue, without a single cloud. The warm sun is shining brightly, making everything look so vivid and beautiful.

  The temperature is just right, not too hot and not too cold. People are out in the parks, enjoying the lovely weather. Children are playing happily on the grass, flying kites and having picnics.

  The birds are singing merrily in the trees, as if they are celebrating this wonderful day. The flowers are blooming in all colors, adding a touch of charm to the scenery.

  I love sunny days like this. It makes me feel cheerful and full of energy.

  寫天氣的英語作文 3

  Its a rainy day today. The sky is overcast with thick clouds, and raindrops are falling continuously. The sound of the rain hitting the windows is like a gentle lullaby.

  The streets are wet and slippery. People are holding umbrellas and walking hurriedly. Some are wearing raincoats and boots, trying to keep themselves dry.

  The rain has brought a fresh and cool air. The trees and grass seem to be greener after the rain. Puddles are formed on the ground, and children are having fun jumping in them.

  Although rainy days can be a bit inconvenient, they also have their own charm.

  寫天氣的英語作文 4

  Last night was a stormy night. The wind was howling fiercely, and the thunder was rumbling loudly. Lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating everything for a brief moment.

  The rain was pouring down in sheets, hitting the roof and the windows with a deafening noise. The trees were swaying wildly in the wind, as if they were struggling to stand firm.

  I was a little scared, hiding under the blanket. But I also felt the power and mystery of nature.When the storm finally passed, everything seemed to be calm and peaceful again.

  寫天氣的英語作文 5

  Today is a snowy day. When I woke up in the morning, I saw a white world outside my window. The snow was like a thick blanket covering the ground.

  The flakes were falling gently from the sky, like little fairies dancing in the air. The trees were dressed in white, and the rooftops were piled with snow.

  Children were having a great time making snowmen and having snowball fights. The cold air didnt stop their enthusiasm.I put on my warm clothes and went outside to enjoy the beauty of the snow. It was a magical and unforgettable scene.

  寫天氣的英語作文 6

  This morning, I woke up to a foggy world. The fog was so thick that I could hardly see anything beyond a few meters.

  The buildings and trees were hidden in the mist, giving a mysterious and hazy feeling. The streets were quiet, and the sounds seemed to be muffled by the fog.

  Drivers had to drive slowly with their headlights on. People walked carefully, as if they were in a dreamland.As the sun rose higher, the fog gradually began to lift, revealing the familiar world again.

  寫天氣的英語作文 7

  Its a hot summer day. The sun is blazing down, and the temperature is soaring. The air is so hot and dry that it feels like being in an oven.

  People are seeking refuge in the shade or staying indoors with the air conditioning on. Those who have to go outside are wearing hats and sunglasses, and carrying bottles of water.

  The streets are quiet, except for the occasional sound of cicadas. The grass is turning yellow, and the flowers are wilting under the intense heat.

  I hope for a cool breeze or a sudden rain to bring some relief.

  寫天氣的英語作文 8

  Autumn has arrived, and today is a cool and pleasant day. The sky is a pale blue, and the gentle breeze is blowing.

  The leaves on the trees are changing colors, from green to yellow, orange, and red. They are falling gently to the ground, creating a colorful carpet.

  The temperature is neither hot nor cold, making it perfect for outdoor activities. People are going for walks in the parks, enjoying the beautiful scenery of autumn.The smell of ripe fruits and fallen leaves fills the air, giving a sense of harvest and tranquility.

  寫天氣的英語作文 9

  Today is a windy day. The wind is blowing strongly, making the flags flutter and the trees sway.

  The sand and dust are being blown into the air, making it a bit difficult to keep ones eyes open. Papers and leaves are flying everywhere.

  Despite the inconvenience, the wind also brings a sense of freshness and vitality. It makes the clouds move quickly across the sky, creating ever-changing patterns.I can feel the power of nature on this windy day.

  寫天氣的英語作文 10

  Its a chilly winter day. The cold wind is biting, and the temperature has dropped below freezing point.Everything is covered with a layer of frost. The rivers and lakes have frozen over, and the snow is piled up on the ground.

  People are wrapped up in thick coats, scarves, and hats. The breath turns into white mist in the cold air.

  Although winter is cold, it also has its own beauty and charm.

  寫天氣的英語作文 11

  Today is a changeable day. In the morning, it was sunny and warm. But as the day went on, the clouds started to gather, and it became cloudy.

  Then, it began to rain lightly. Just when I thought it would rain all day, the sun came out again in the afternoon, and the weather turned nice and warm once more.

  Such changeable weather can be a bit confusing, but it also makes the day more interesting.

  寫天氣的英語作文 12

  Spring has arrived and today is a glorious day. The sky is a brilliant shade of blue, adorned with fluffy white clouds that drift lazily across.

  The temperature is mild, with a gentle breeze that carries the sweet scent of blooming flowers. The trees are adorned with fresh green leaves, and colorful blossoms are everywhere.

  People are out in the parks, having picnics and flying kites. The birds are chirping joyfully, as if celebrating the arrival of this wonderful season.

  Its a day that fills ones heart with hope and joy.

  寫天氣的英語作文 13

  Last night, a thunderstorm rolled in. The sky turned dark and ominous, as if a heavy curtain had been drawn. Lightning cracked through the clouds, followed by deafening thunder that shook the windows.

  The rain came down in torrents, pelting against the roof and the ground. The wind howled, bending the trees and sending loose objects flying.

  The power went out, and everything was plunged into darkness except for the flashes of lightning. It was a wild and terrifying scene.

  But as quickly as it came, the storm passed, leaving behind a fresh and cool atmosphere.

  寫天氣的英語作文 14

  Today is a hazy day. The air is thick with a fine mist that blurs the outlines of distant objects.

  Visibility is reduced, and the world seems to be wrapped in a soft veil. The sun is a pale disk, struggling to shine through the haze.

  The hazy weather gives the city a mysterious and somewhat melancholic atmosphere. People move about with masks on, trying to protect themselves from the less-than-ideal air quality.

  I hope for a clear and sunny day soon.

  寫天氣的英語作文 15

  This morning, when I stepped outside, a cold wind greeted me. The temperature was well below freezing, and the ground was covered with a layer of frost.

  The trees were bare, and icicles hung from the rooftops. My breath turned into white fog as I exhaled.

  Despite the cold, the winter landscape has its own unique beauty. The crispness of the air and the stillness of the early morning make it a peaceful and serene time.

  I hurried back inside, looking forward to warming up by the fireplace.









