
Look! I have a ...

rg2023-05-02 02:45:17 弌W哂Z縮宛 厘勣誘後
  • 琲P(gu─n)容]

Look! I have a ...

Teaching aims

1、Can understand 、say 、read 7 wordscat、duck、panda、monkey、rabbit、dog、zoo.

2、Learn the sentenceLook! I have a . Ss can catch the mean, speak the sentence and use the sentence.

3、Learn the wordsCool! Super! Great! Wow! Ss can use these words in a suitable case.

4、Understand the song ^Old MacDonald ̄, can sing ^EIEIO ̄.

Teaching aids

CAI、some toy animals 、cassette、every S brings a toy animal.

Teaching processes

Step OneWarm up / Revision

1、Sing a song

2、Free talk

TWhat¨s your name?

How old are you?

You¨re cool! etc.

3、T Shows the toys, Ss revise the wordstiger / elephant.

Step TwoPresentation

1、Use CAI to present the new itemscat / duck / panda / monkey / rabbit / dog / zoo / Cool! / Super! / Great! / Wow! / I have a .

Ss repeat these items after T.

2、A gameWhat¨s missing game.

3、Ss act like the animals.

a、T and Ss act together.

b、Ss stand up, act.

c、Listen to the tape ^l(f─)et¨s do ̄, and act for 2 times.

d、Asks some Ss to act in the front.

Step ThreePractice

1、GameTouch and Guess.

Some individual S come to the front of the classroom, close the eyes, touch a toy animal and guess what it is. If he¨s / she¨s right, others sayCool! etc.

2、Ss show their toy animals. Practise the sentenceLook, I have a .

3、Ss do pair works to make a dialogue

FirstT and a S make as a model, then others prepairthen some Ss act in the front.

Step FourPresentation

1、Listen to a song ゞOld MacDonald〃.

Ss pass a toy duck.

2、Use CAI to explain the meaning of the song .

3、Listen again, T and Ss act the song.

4、Ss Sing ^EIEIO ̄ together with T.

Step FiveConsolidation

1、Do the exercises in the workbook .

2、Some individual S says the pictures in the workbook .

3、Ss dance with the music ゞI Love Animals〃.

Step SixAdd activities

1、Show your toy animals to your friends and tell them what they are.

2、Make a dialogue .

Look! I have a ...

‐Look! I have a .../琲P(gu─n)猟嫗

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