畢業(yè)論文-《生命中不能承受之輕》和《傾城之戀》中的女性形象比較 - 語言文學論文
摘 要
This text to The Unbearable Light ness of Being with Love in Hongkong city destroy medium the main female image launch the contrast research, dialogue ,especially liusu bai,Tlisa and Sabina three images one by one analytical, the confidence live liusu bai outward appearance is weak but physically violent and have from save spirit;Tisa has a weak idea equally, but actual this kind of "weak" have invade of everything of overbear sex;The Sabina betrays all the way until taste to the life and cant bear mental structure of the character that it gets bogged down in two etc. characteristicses to compare them thus"light", inquiry into mental structure of its character to become of reason.Woman here, or violent or weak, but all have special from save spirit.They are contend with the oneself special way and the destiny of the customs, displaying different ages the different and social cultural background maid a special existence method for us.
Key words: Female; Flabbiness; Betrayal; Exist appearance